Saturday, July 25, 2015

Discerning Truth from Error

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. 
-Psalms 119:105

This is perhaps my favorite scripture of all time!!!  I love the scriptures and the words of Gods holy prophets. They help me to continually move forward on my path through life. They also give me experience with the Holy Ghost to understand better the workings of the Spirit within me.

 One of the greatest blessings given the Lords faithful through the gift of the Holy Ghost is being able to discern truth from error and good from evil.  The contrast is unmistakable. When I read things that are void of the Spirit or speak with those who oppose the works of God I can actually recognize how it makes me feel not only on the inside but sometimes even my physical body feels agitated and nervous. Other times I might feel shaken and have residual sadness.  Fear grips me and I am left with a negative state of mind. This can put me in a bad ugly mood until I identify it and work to rid myself of those unpleasant feelings.

This is exactly the opposite of what I instantly feel when I open my scriptures and begin to read the word of God, go to the temple, attend church or talk to someone who is positively uplifting and inspiring. In these instances I am instantly filled with light and peace.  My body feels calm and my mind clear. I can feel my Heavenly Father and Savior filling me with love, light and hope. My mood is elevated to a state of joy and I am then more prone to love those I need to love, and be kinder, gentler and more forgiving. 

No doubt about the gift of discernment the Lord has promised me. It is precious and real! What can you do to develop this gift more fully?