Friday, April 16, 2021

God's Promises are Sure


I chose to share this painting by Benjamin West, 1801, titled "Moses shown the Promised Land".  Do you think Moses ever became discouraged or lacked vision and needed Heavenly help?

Last night a dear friend of mine shared exactly what I needed to hear. She had recently attended a talk given by an apostle.  His message echoed promises God has made with me. Some days these promises can be hard to imagine.  How can they be realized and fulfilled when things seem to be upside down at times and not at all within our control?  

Here were the hopeful parts that I gathered from what she shared with me.  I intend on applying these things in my life to show an exercise of my faith. No matter how long it may take, by being the best I can be I can claim those promises.

The very best way we can help our children and loved ones to keep their covenants is by us keeping ours.  We must keep strong and know what blessings we are focused on attaining. 

Light always overcomes darkness and Christ has defeated the adversary and will continue to help us to do so.  The victory has already been won.