Friday, February 16, 2018

Gods Power to Help

My Dearest Family

     Today in Sacrament meeting  I was reminded of my being in the mission field. While I served as a missionary, Sister Bradley our mission mom taught us about the sacrament. She stressed the importance of the sacrament as a required ordinance of the gospel. As mortal beings, we are not able to align our imperfect behaviors with the perfections our Father in Heaven requires of us, in order to be in his presence. We do not have enough will Power within us to overcome the tendencies of the Natural Man. Often our own strengths allow us to travel through each day and not check our own inadequacy. For me I am realizing that with much of these inadequacies I have grown Comfortable tying a rope on to them and dragging them around my life, hopefully keeping them far enough away from me that I thought they wouldn’t hurt me. But they do hurt me and will hurt me as long as I am willing to secretly keep them. I am learning that with my will and Gods Power I allow Christ to take away each temptation that comes to my weak mind. Gods Power along with who I really want to be and the Love of an extraordinary wife and exceptional children’s love and Prayers on my behalf, I may just win this personal battle. I believe the real key to all of this is to decide to cut the rope and allow the Savior to handle all this weakness for me. I mean my allowance for his total takeover. I have not and cannot defeat my struggles until I allow him to take my weakness over completely and refine me. For years I have taught and believed that the Saviors atonement was for everyone else, but maybe not me at least about this issue. How could anyone who was in the position to know better, not know better? It is really possible to follow the Savior, serve the Savior, and even to believe in the Savior but not Believe the Savior. When you fall into sin It is easy to expect more of yourself and think that “I” can beat this. We can’t, the Savior can! What a concept. Believe him! He won’t ever automaticity take over our sins and weakness, without our asking him too,  but he will take any of them that we ASK him to. This last week, I was able to receive a new Temple recommend and attended the temple. The spirit in the Temple as I did the work of being washed and anointed for those who have been waiting for this work is An awesome and overwhelming joy for me. Then I did some sealings with mom it was a wonderful reminder of husband and wives being sealed for all eternity. This is who we are and what we are trying to accomplish here on earth. This Gospel is a pure truth! My Heart is swelling with a great Love of The Saving Love of our Redeemer. Our Savior who Loves us and that has given all of himself that we may have the doors to exaltation available. 
I have included with my message a link below with a talk from Elder David A. Bednar that helped me discover my words for this message. I want you each to know that I am very much, in a better place now than I have ever known. I  know without a doubt, that repentance when it is being sought from God through the proper channels is granted immediately! I know this because I felt his love for me take it from me instantly. I also knew that sometimes justice needs to be served and I was ready for that prior to meeting with my Bishop. Gods Love for us is infinite. More than we will ever understand as mortal beings.
I know that Jesus is the Christ and this is his church and is true and that he lives and succors us, His sacrifice for us is real and is there for all of us no matter how big or small or bitter our sins are. He will take them from us if we approach him with a contrite heart and a willingness to be corrected in him.

I Love you all so much!!


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